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Continuity and stability of energy supply are the fundamental assumptions of producers in the fuel and energy industry. The quality of materials and services provided by contractors plays a key role in achieving these tasks. The Marketplanet Purchasing Platform effectively supports the entire source to pay process, addressing all the needs of ordering parties in both the private sector and entities obliged to apply the Public Procurement Law. Electronic communication, easy and fast access to the application, automation and digitalisation of the process are the distinguishing features of our solution.
Ciągłość i stabilność dostaw energii to fundamentalne założenia producentów w branży paliwa i energia. Kluczową rolę w realizacji tych zadań odgrywa jakość materiałów i usług dostarczanych przez kontrahentów. Platforma Zakupowa Marketplanet skutecznie wspiera cały proces source to pay, adresując wszystkie potrzeby zamawiających zarówno w sektorze prywatnym, jak i w podmiotach zobowiązanych stosować ustawę Prawo Zamówień Publicznych. Elektroniczna komunikacja, łatwy i szybki dostęp do aplikacji, automatyzacja oraz digitalizacja procesu to cechy wyróżniające nasze rozwiązanie.
Emilia Clarke
PGE Group, the leader in electricity production in Poland, has launched an electronic purchasing platform with a modern executive zone OnePlace.

The PGE CG Purchasing System under development operates in, among others: PGE SA, PGE GiEK, PGE Obrót, PGE Energia Odnawialna, PGE EJ1, PGE Ventures, PGE Centrum, PGE Nowa Energia, PGE Synergia, PGE Systemy, PGE Baltica PGE Energia Ciepła and PGE Dystrybucja.

The PGE Capital Group has been consistently pursuing its business strategy which places particular emphasis on the implementation of innovative solutions. The Group has implemented a comprehensive procurement platform with an addressable supplier zone.

This solution enables electronic handling of procurement processes. It also influences cost optimization as well as streamlining and acceleration of purchase proceedings within the PGE Group. Additionally, the use of Supplier Zone OnePlace will significantly improve communication with contractors.

The main functionalities of the system are: planning purchases, processing purchase requests, conducting inquiries, managing a database of contractors, evaluating and qualifying contractors and the Central Register of Contracts.

The new purchasing platform of the PGE Group allows for optimization and flexible approach to purchasing processes. Moreover, it has accelerated the verification, more efficient cataloguing and archiving of offers.

The implementation of the platform has also significantly improved the contractors' service standards. It also increased the effectiveness of the PGE Capital Group's procurement processes, allowing the company to reach an even larger number of potential contractors, thus increasing competition and diversifying business partners.
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